About the Writers of Bertie's Buzz

Bertie: A cornerstone of our blog, Bertie was a remarkable woman whose wisdom and experience as a farmer's wife still resonate today. An adept gardener, she had an intimate knowledge of the land and its secrets. Drawing from a rich tapestry of memories and lessons, her writings reflect the heart of a true homemaker and the soul of the earth.

Olivia: Behind the name Olivia is a keen eye for household products and their countless applications. This persona taps into the expertise that comes from a lifetime of managing a home, creating spaces of comfort, and understanding the nuances of the domestic realm. Each article under Olivia's name is a testament to the dedication that goes into turning a house into a home.

Jacki: As the Editor-in-Chief of Bertie's Buzz, Jacki brings a blend of academic and practical experience to the table. With a BS degree in Business and English and a storied career as an Area Director for USDA Rural Development, she has overseen vast projects and led large teams across multiple counties. Yet, her most cherished roles have been those closer to home - as a mother, a homemaker, and an avid gardener.

Jacki also delves into deeper subjects, offering insights on faith and healing on the "All Things Christian" section of Bertie's Buzz. Her diverse experiences, from teaching Bible classes to grief counseling, lend a unique perspective and depth to her writings.

We use AI (Artificial Intelligence) as a supplemental writing tool to assist us with research and writing.

BertiesBuzz - Home & Garden Reviews You Can Use is an independent publication launched in August 2022 by Jacki Surles. If you subscribe today, you'll get full access to the website as well as email newsletters about new content when it's available. Your subscription makes this site possible, and allows BertiesBuzz - Reviews You Can Use to continue to exist. Thank you!

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